Book as Exhibition is a practice-based research project that aims to translate the concept of an exhibition as a medium and ideology into book form in order to investigate an alternative to traditional curatorial exhibitions and exhibition making. It is also an investigation into the role of book-making and graphic design practice beyond its traditional service for curatorial practice. By focusing on the curatorial space of the book, the project aims to gain insight into how the practice of the curatorial is being shaped by the interventions of book design and the larger field. This interdisciplinary work examines media as interchangeable through a set of semiotics as well as visual and narrative strategies.
Website: book-as-exhibition.org
‘Overcoming The Thereness Of Things,’ group exhibition, Travelling UK, Canada, Thailand and Finland, 2020 – present
‘Liz Johnson Artur If You Know The Beginning, The End Is No Trouble,’ from Liz Johnson Artur If You Know The Beginning, The End Is No Trouble exhibition, South London Gallery, 2019
‘Wong Ping 1/4 – Inspector Chicken,’ from Wong Ping: Heart Digger exhibition, Camden Art Centre, 2019
‘Wong Ping 2/4 – Elephant Nun,’ from Wong Ping: Heart Digger exhibition, Camden Art Centre, 2019
‘Wong Ping 3/4 – Dear Can I Give You A Hand,’ from Wong Ping: Heart Digger exhibition, Camden Art Centre, 2019
‘Wong Ping 4/4 – Judge Rabbit,’ from Wong Ping: Heart Digger exhibition, Camden Art Centre, 2019